Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Share Your Thoughts!

Digging into Leadership 101 is the first step you need to take on your personal journey to leadership.  I want to know what you've gained from your assigned reading so far.  Please post your comments weekly.  This will motivate us all as you share your views on what motivates a truly incredible leader.  

And remember . . . .


Chantell Cooley
VP of Partnership Development/Admissions

Friday, October 24, 2008

Introducing the Eye of the Tiger Book Club!

CSU Staff and Faculty,

We are starting a book club for those who have been involved in the Eye of the Tiger Training.  There have been over 50 in attendance and so we can keep the motivation and leadership training ongoing.   Every month there is a new book on some type of Leadership reading that I choose.  

I am keeping the books small in reading so that you can complete them.  The holidays are coming up and this will keep you on track and help motivate you to start the new year off with a bang!  Our last training was based on “Don’t just come to work and exist, but find your purpose and explode with leadership! In saying this, we have had such an overwhelming excitement and response  with 55 already in the club would like to open it up to everyone here at CSU.  

Many have asked that did not come to the training and would like to be  a part.  The first book is $8.  You can email Brittany Berry at brittany.berry@columbiasouthern.edu to be put on a waiting list.  We do have a limited amount of books coming in next week.  I am so excited!!!

CSU is #1 because of YOU!

Chantell Cooley
VP of Partnership Development/Admissions
Columbia Southern University