Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Share Your Thoughts!

Digging into Leadership 101 is the first step you need to take on your personal journey to leadership.  I want to know what you've gained from your assigned reading so far.  Please post your comments weekly.  This will motivate us all as you share your views on what motivates a truly incredible leader.  

And remember . . . .


Chantell Cooley
VP of Partnership Development/Admissions


Lifechanger said...

Leadership 101...Find Your vision, not only for your financial well-being, but for your health! Visualize yourself in the best shape of your life, then create a path to achieve your goal!
Be able to see your children, grand children, and great grandchildren grow up!
Create a Vision to live to be 120 and active!!!!!!!!!! Run a 5k, mix in a salad, and tell someone that you care about yourself enough to do something about your health.

Create a vision to live long, reverse the aging process.

A good leader will surround themselves with people who nurture their passions.... and then will nurture their passion in return.

Do something today. It will make you better tomorrow!

Davey Jones
Personal Health Coach

Vicki B. said...

Leadership 101...Leadership is developed daily, not in a day---that is reality! No matter where you are starting from, you can get better...

Start developing your leadership today read books, listen to tapes be a lifelong learner staring today!

Eye of the Tiger Book Club said...

Leadership 101-I just finished the book. It was awesome! It took me about 5 30 minute sessions. I think pages 15 and 16 hit home with me. Being a leader takes work and homework. Reading books like these will help you see progress as your influence becomes greater. John Maxwell told a very enthusiastic guy who was in his leadership seminars .." you can be a great leader, but it won't happen in a day. Start paying the price now!" Now is the perfect time on your way to the top!

Chantell Cooley

Christina said...

I am very excited to be reading Leadership 101. I am looking forward to learning more about relationships, equipping, attitude and leadership. It is my hope to master the techniques in this book and encourage others to get excited. The greatest thing about this book is that it is a quick read for those of us who have very little free time on our hands!!!

Tara said...

I'm excited to be reading Leadership 101! I just started reading the first few pages today. I was struck by the influence we have on those around us. We can influence others for the good or the bad. It's up to each of us to make that choice.

We influence up 10,000 people during a lifetime. Wow! How will you influence those around you?

Tara Collins

Gabby said...

This book is amazing! I feel like a new person after every time i pick it up and read a few pages! What an impact we could all make on this world if we just step it up a little bit more. I want to work so hard to apply what I learn not only in the book to my being here at work but also at home with my family. What a great achievment it would be to be a positive and motivating wife and mother. I am extremly impressed with the shake machine seller who franchised Mickey D's. I hate his food but boy was he smart. I hope one day to be like him!

Sharron said...

Chap 1: I've had the quote from Teddy Roosevelt hanging in my son's room since he was diagnosed with a chronic medical issue when he was 5. I thought TR might inspire him as he grew up. Maybe it can inspire me.

Marie said...

Having the right attitude is key for all that you do. It sets the basis for what is to come. Having a positive attitude is what makes change successful. Remembering that will take you places you would not go otherwise.

Sharon said...

I have joined the book club a little late and have just started reading Leadership 101. I have already been challenged by the forward: each one of us will influence 10,000 other people over our lifetime. The question is not whether we will influence...but HOW!

I feel a sense of responsibility to be the best person I can be (who I was created to be) because who knows whose life I will influence and what the result of that life will be.

Food for thought...


Eye of the Tiger Book Club said...

Leadership 101... I liked the story about Jerry Rice, the football player. He is considered the best person to ever play wide receiver in football. (page 25) I liked the part where he practices even in off season. (12 months per year when everyone else is taking off) Some of his team mates say that is what seperates the good from the great. His self discipine carried him to his success. He shines above others b/c he pays the price. That motivates me. Chantell

John said...

This is great Chantell, Go get em!!

"If people in an organization insist on repeating that which
made them and the organization a success; they will both
fail." Peter Drucker

Christina said...

This book is great! The story of Dick & Maurice McDonald truly emphasized the importance of leadership in order to be successful. Although these guys were great managers...they were poor leaders. Praise God for the leadership skills of Ray Kroc and the personal sacrifices he made along the way before he obtained exclusive rights to one of my favorite restaurant chains. Ray Kroc had a vision...and I believe that vision pushed him into greatness as an exemplary leader of modern day.

Chantell you have a motto: "CSU is #1"....your vision is to "Take over the nation!"...that is why you are a great leader!!! The truth speaks for itself...15,000 students and climbing...478 Learning partners...and still climbing...thanks to the fantastic support personnel here at CSU!

Phenomenal leadership should bring forth phenomenal results...and that has been the case here at CSU! There are so many leaders within this corporation who have a vision of being the BEST and I am happy to work among you all.

Lisa James said...
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Lisa James said...

As I read this book, I found the words within coming to me as I moved throughout my day. I like how it made me feel - like every person is special - no matter what their talents (or lack of). The best leaders are the ones that not only care about improving themselves, but also care about helping others to improve. Everyone wants to be the best they can be, and everyone wants to know that someone cares about them. A flower that is neglected will eventually wilt and die. But a flower that is cared for will flourish, bloom and be a beautiful site to behold. Leaders - cultivate your followers. Care for them, nurture them and see how much they bloom!

Tina said...

Leadership is a daily challenge that we must all strive to improve. One thing that caught my attention is how we influence people around us without even realizing it. That's why we always need to be on our best behavior, even at work. :-)

Samantha said...

I like when the syaing on page 50 "When you don't have strength within, you can't earn respect without. And respect is absolutely essential for lasting leadership." Also page 51 "Trust is the foundation of leadership. Violate your people's trust , and you're through as a leader."

So we all need to rise above and be a fighter! Have strength and those around you will too.

Susan E. said...

Leadership 101...What a great book to start our book club with! I was particularly struck by chapter 5 - "How Do I Develop Trust?" Trust is the foundation of Leadership. The one question I have heard throughout my work experience, "How do I gain the respect of my co-workers?" Chapter 5 reiterates a persons character. Character makes trust possible. Without trust, there is no leadership. It's a domino effect. I challenge you to look deep within yourself at your personal character. Always strive to be the best you can be in all things. Others will notice your character and you will be a role model for someone and not ever know it.

kathyc said...

Inspiration is a great key for leaders to continue to administer to individuals daily!! Everyone has to start somewhere. I am very observant of my teammates. I look for great potential in each and every one of them. I can see when individuals have potential and the desire to broaden themselves. I will give the encouragement and guidance that I have learned through my journey of leadership to continually learn, not only in the workplace, but for their personal lives as well. I challenge all of you to step out of the box and set personal goals for yourself. Remember, you will only fail if you do not try.

Bonnie L said...

Although I am only half way through Leadership 101 I understand that I must never stop learning and in my own life intensify this process. I also enjoyed the chapter on prioritizing your work tasks. This has always been very easy for me at home but in the workplace only by delegating can prioritizing be accomplished. "It's not how hard you work; It's how smart you work."
I look forward to learning more as I finish Leadership 101, especially the chapter on casting the vision to others.

Michelle said...

I loved the part that said work every day like it's the day before you go on vacation. You always work hardest trying to get everything done & cleaned up before you go. That is how I have been working lately. Trying to have everything complete before I leave for the day! Great mottow to live by.